To test it, I logged a bunch of " breadcrumb"way points on a local hike up Cademuir Hill outside of Peebles. When I got back to our hotel, I looked up the way points using Quo, a UK-based GPS mapping package that I've been using to plan ...
iii) Two Late Bronze Age spearheads from bCademuir/b Hill, Scottish Borders, dating from 1000-800 BC which are typical examples of Late Bronze Age weaponry. While such weapons had a primary - and obvious - function, they too had a secondary use as votive ... The QLTR has wider responsibilities for dealing with ownerless and abandoned property, including the bestates/b of those who die without leaving a will and who have no known relatives and the assets of dissolved companies. ...
I'd forgotten to post about this trip. For Mins birthday we went down to the very nice Sheraton Hotel Resort and Spa in Fota, Cork, Ireland. The hotel was great, as was the food, and the pool etc. But the best thing is that its right ...